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Sponsoring association

The association "Tribute to the Chamber Orchestra Alexander Schaichet", is a tax-exempt association. Its purpose is to organize, carry out and finance the anniversary celebrations in 2020 commemorating the first Chamber Orchestra in Switzerland by Alexander Schaichet and research the musical heritage of Alexander and Irma Schaichet.

President of the association is Dr. Kurt Meier, attorney at law, Lutherstrasse 36, 8004 Zurich,

Responsibility for the anniversary project 2020: Irene Forster and Anne-Maj Lüthy Bimmler.


The patronage of the anniversary celebrations in 2020 includes:

Dr. Ursula Gut-Winterberger (former executive councilor), Moritz Leuenberger (former federal councilor), Michael Eidenbenz (director of the department of music at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK), Esther Kartagener (pianist), Josef Estermann (former president of the Zurich city council), Karen Roth-Krauthammer (president of Omanut), Bruno Spoerri (musician), Nina Zafran-Sagal (former president of Omanut), Regine Aeppli (former executive councilor), Ruth Speiser-Bär.


The following institutions support the anniversary celebrations:

Finanzdepartement der Stadt Zürich, unterstützt durch den Beitragsfonds
Stiftung STAB für Abendländische Ethik und Kultur 
LANDIS & GYR                                                         
Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim Stiftung                               
Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim-Stiftung           
Stiftung Baugarten Zürich                                  
Georges und Jenny Bloch-Stiftung                    
Bank Julius Bär AG 
Martha von Castelberg-Stiftung                      
Dr. Adolf Streuli-Stiftung 
Albert Huber-Stiftung 
Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich                                                        
Hans Schaeuble Stiftung                                
as well as many private donors


Do you recognize someone in the photos or do you have texts or old concert programs from the Chamber Orchestra? Or would you simply like to share some information with us?

Just write to us, we are looking forward to your message.